Our Teachers


  • Qualified teachers by degrees and experience
  • Trained by professional educators to manage carefully students of all ages
  • Specialized by levels and ages to offer the most adopted methodology of learning
  • With the native level of fluency, they're capable to teach the subtility of the language and sharing their culture
  • Fun and creative in designing the most meaningful lessons to attract you to learn more
  • Innovative, using the latest technologies (VR, Outdoor learning, and simulation) to break down the complexity to simplicity
  • Caring and professional about their mission as educators of the future generations
  • Sharing of their knowledge, experiences, and cultures
  • Responsible of giving the best language education that fulfills your needs








 Our teachers:

1.Have Genuine Relationship with their Students 

Our teachers who genuinely care about their students have a significant impact on the students’ attitudes, motivation, and behavior. The students work harder and are more successful learners. They learn English faster and display stronger skills. The relationship between a student and teacher is the most important factor difference for ESL students.

2.Have Understanding of a Student’s Cultural Background

A teacher who openly welcomes students and accepts the cultural differences can help with an easier acceptance by the school environment. When a student feels valued, he/she is more apt to assimilate into the English-speaking culture, to make friends, and increase opportunities to use English. Students who engage in more conversations and activities with their foreigh English teachers, acquire English skills quicker which help to boost more skills.


3.Have Understanding the Individual Needs of Students

It is helpful to assess the student’s language proficiency and educational history. The design of the classroom lessons can then be individualized to focus on each student’s functional English level in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This ongoing student assessment helps the teacher obtain current functional levels so lessons can be targeted towards maximum growth. They can zero in on exactly what the student needs. It is the pronunciation of a sound or letters? Is it vocabulary? How about writing?  Can they write a sentence or do they need help with outlining or research? Do they have study skills?  It is common to have five reading levels in a classroom (i.e. two reading levels above the grade level and two reading levels below); can you imagine the levels of language ability in ESL learners? Ongoing assessment will support daily instruction and targeted learning needs of a student will help that child acquire language quicker and build self-confidence.

4.Are Encouraging English Conversations & Involvement Outside the Classroom

Students who more actively engage outside the classroom in extracurricular or community activities cultivate friendships and interests which help with broadening language acquisition. When students feel more confident and have some degree of language skill, they can be encouraged to join other school- and community-related activities.  These can be based on the students’ interests.  Maybe a student enjoys the outdoors and scouting is a good option; sports, music, and art might be other avenues; some students might be befriended by native speakers who invite them to participate in something they are engaged in.

5.Have A Willingness to Connect with Communities

Teachers analyze what skills are most important to learn at any given time and then teach those.  As students progress through a hierarchy of skills and meet success, their learning will soar. Lessons that are built on high interest and tied to the present needs of the students work well.